Hi, I am Dr. Wu. I am a board-certified dermatologist in Taiwan. My medical doctorate was from National Taiwan University. My PhD doctorate was from Graduate Institute of Clinical Medical Science in Chang Gung University. I had been chief in dermatology department in the third largest hospital (Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital) in Taiwan. My focus in research is mainly genodermatosis and I had identified novel genetic locus for familial syringoma and a rare form of autosomal recessive ichthyosis. Besides general dermatology, my primary interest is dermatologic surgery, including hair transplantation, suction-based shaver operation for axillary osmidrosis, and ambulatory phlebotomy for varicose veins. I am a pioneer for these operations in Southern Taiwan and had equated many dermatologists in last ten years. Now I had left the life in medical centers. However, the goal guiding my practice and the career, simple smiles in patient's face after healing and curing their diseases, is always the same.